Robert Sparks
May 04, 1995, SFGate
A memorial ceremony will be held May 19 for Robert Sparks, a Berkeley political activist who died at his home on Sunday. Mr. Sparks, 57, had been a fixture on the local political scene since moving to Berkeley in the early 1970s. A frequent speaker at City Council meetings and political protests, he was an ardent supporter of disabled and homeless people, as well as a key backer of People's Park. He is survived by his wife, Susan Marsh, of Berkeley, and a son, Stephen.
Private services are pending, but a public memorial followed by a march to People's Park will be held at 6 p.m. May 19 at Willard Park. Contributions may be sent to Oceanview Housing Rights Advocates, 1901 Sixth Street, Berkeley 94710.
(Photo: Oakland Tribure, June 6, 1992 in People's Park, Berkeley, CA. "In Peoples Park, Bob Sparks, 54, recalls when issues were larger.")