"The Big Game" UCB Memorial Stadium
Oak Grove Tree-sit



 The "Big Game" chronicles the celebrations, protests, ups and downs of the tree occupation next to the UC Berkeley Memorial Stadium and community efforts to preserve the oak grove. The "Big Game" was so named because it was during the early afternoon of the Cal Stanford annual big game in 2006 that the first trees were occupied. It also reminds us that there are games bigger than football. Produced by Berkeley Citizen All labor donated

From the first days of the nation's longest urban tree-sit the UC Berkeley Police were determined to criminalize this free speech action. As a consequence, UCB entangled over 200 participants (mostly young people) in the legal system and directed some to the county jail. The frequent brutality experienced by these tree activists by the campus police was eventually directed at the Oak Grove itself. Today only a very few trees and scrubs remain where the Memorial Oak Grove once stood. Our Berkeley community actions serve as a reminder to all those of what is in store for those who dare to stand-up against environmental injustice and the corporate forces (axe) of the University of California Regents.

Berkeley Video and Film Festival Big Game documentary
Big Game PRESS
big game

The "Big Game" was the recipient of the Grand Festival Award for documentary community activism at the 2007 Berkeley Video and Film Festival. Honor Earth

Card Photos by Frank Tapia and Matthew Taylor
“The Big Game” Grand Festival Award
Documentary Community Activism
Berkeley Citizen:
A documentary on Berkeley's urban tree-sit at the University of California campus and community efforts to save the endangered oak grove from the axe of the UC regents.

Berkeley Citizen © 2003
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