Free Speech in the Trees
Memorial Oak Grove


Save the Memorial Oak Grove 24-Hour Community Tree Sit-In
Berkeley -- February 15, 2007

Free Speech in the Trees
A diverse group of students, UC Berkeley faculty and members of the Berkeley community gathered today at the Stadium Memorial oak grove to begin a 24-hour sit-in. Organizer Doug Buckwald kicked off the press conference call "Free Speech in the Trees" with a brief update on the recent court actions and the concerns over the safety of the oak grove and tree sitters.

Carl Friberg, a well-known environmentalist and resident, began the vigil by climbing up to a platform positioned in one of the endangered oaks. Friberg spoke of the need to draw attention to the plight of the oak grove so that the University Regents "come to their senses" and look for alternative locations to build the high performance sports facility. Community organizer, Zackary Running Wolf, spoke to a group of fifty residents, UC students and faculty in Berkeley's Memorial Oak Grove. Running Wolf recounted yesterday's actions by the university campus police and their verbal threats to forcibly eject tree sitters and fence off the grove.

The Native American leader was one of the three original tree sitters who first climbed into the oaks on Cal's Big Game day last December 2nd. There were several other speakers including ground support organizer, Ayr. He asked the assembled audience for additional support in both food donations and in creating more of a community presence in the grove. The tree sit is now in its 7
6th day.

Berkeley Internet NEWS
Produced by Berkeley Citizen
Copyright 2007
All Labor Donated

Zachary RunningWolf, Memorial Oak Grove 24-Hour Community Tree Sit-In Memorial Oak Grove 24-Hour Community Tree Sit-In Ayr, Memorial Oak Grove 24-Hour Community Tree Sit-In
Ayr, Memorial Oak Grove 24-Hour Community Tree Sit-In Carl Friberg, Memorial Oak Grove 24-Hour Community Tree Sit-In Doug Buckwald, Memorial Oak Grove 24-Hour Community Tree Sit-In
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