Resolution Against Destruction of Old Grow Oak Grove by UC


CONSENT CALENDAR Date: November 14, 2006
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: Councilmembers Spring and Oldsoak grove sather gate
Subject: Resolution Against Destruction of Old Grow Oak Grove by UC

RECOMMENDATION: Pass the attached resolution supporting the protection of the oak woodland located just west of California Memorial Stadium, and opposing the plans of the University of California to cut down any of the trees in this grove. This urban woodland is an irreplaceable resource that contributes to the well-being of all Berkeley citizens; this resolution to be communicated to the UC Regents who are scheduled to approve the EIR on the Stadium expansion on November 15.

Resolution: Save the Oaks at the Stadium
Whereas, the City of Berkeley is recognized nationwide as a leader in promoting sound environmental policy; and
Whereas, the City of Berkeley recognizes the importance of protecting open
green space and tree's; and
Whereas, the City of Berkeley is currently involved in a comprehensive effort to institute practices that promote environmental sustainability; and
Whereas, the citizens of Berkeley have consistently demonstrated a resolve to protect mature trees in our city to enhance our quality of life; and
Whereas, the University of California has announced its plan to cut down many of the Coast Live Oaks and other mature trees in the oak woodland located just west of California Memorial Stadium; and
Whereas, all California Coast Live Oaks in the City of Berkeley with a trunk size greater than six inches in diameter are legally protected from destruction by Berkeley’s “Coast Live Oak Moratorium”; and
Whereas, the California Coast Live Oak is currently threatened by
development pressure resulting from the expansion of housing projects into
previously natural areas; and
Whereas, the California Native Plant Society (East Bay Chapter) considers the oak woodland west of California Memorial Stadium to be “ecologically significant” and has stated its opinion that the specific trees in this grove have “great value as a gene bank for Coast Live Oak individuals native to the San Francisco Bay Area”; and
Whereas, the Sierra Club supports the protection this oak woodland; and
Whereas, this oak woodland is appreciated for its aesthetic beauty by thousands of Berkeley residents and visitors every day; and
Whereas, open green space contributes to the general well-being of our community by providing a location for peaceful reflection and spiritual regeneration; and
Whereas, urban woodlands help maintain our soil and preserve our watersheds; and
Whereas, urban woodlands help protect our storm drain system by limiting excess water runoff that can overwhelm the capacity of the system and result in increased erosion and water pollution; and
Whereas, the trees in urban woodlands help buffer the impacts of congested urban life by filtering pollutants out of our air and water; and
Whereas, the trees in urban woodlands contribute to our air quality by converting excess carbon dioxide to oxygen; and
Whereas, the trees in urban woodlands help maintain a tree canopy over the earth, which help counter the harmful “heat island” effect seen in many of our paved urban centers; and
Whereas, oak woodlands provide critical habitats for a wide variety of animal, bird, insect, and plant species; and
Whereas, the oak woodland west of California Memorial Stadium is a vibrant oasis of natural beauty that adds immeasurably to our urban experience; anduc greed

The City of Berkeley supports the protection of the oak woodland located just west of California Memorial Stadium, and opposes the plans of the University of California to cut down any of the trees in this grove.
This urban woodland is an irreplaceable resource that contributes to the well-being of all Berkeley citizens.

CONTACT PERSON: Councilmember Dona Spring, District 4

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