Traffic in Transit: Berkeley City Council Showing
A brief history of the City of Berkeley’s Public Works Corporation Yard
and a proposed neighborhood traffic plan for the
SUDS (Sacramento-University-Dwight Way-San Pablo) area.
This 1995 video premiered at a regularly-scheduled Berkeley City Council meeting on February 14th during the public comment period. Although Berkeley Mayor Shirley Dean did offer to schedule the video presentation at a future meeting, the neighborhood group chose to proceed with this impromptu viewing.
Four residents from the SUDS neighborhood each yielded their three-minute public comment time to make this 12-minute video presentation possible. The neighbors brought in a VCR and monitor so it could seen by those in the council chambers. This tactic was something that had never been attempted before that night nor since. The council meeting’s normal TV broadcast also shared the video presentation with Berkeley's cable-connected TV community.
Historically speaking, this video broadcast over Berkeley's governmental access channel was only made possible because the council chambers had been equipped with broadcast cameras just six months earlier.
Not only was this community video/action the first ever in Berkeley, but it also resulted in the creation of a City Council subcommittee on fueling and area traffic in the neighborhoods bordering the City of Berkeley’s Corporation Yard. The Berkeley City Council Subcommittee was comprised of council members Woolley (chair), Breland, Spring and Mayor Dean. The City's Toxics Management Division staff, Public Works staff, and members of the Public Works Commission and the Environmental Commission. This subcommittee also included Berkeley citizen, L A Wood, who was co-producer and narrator of this video presentation, and the only non-governmental participant.
Produced by Berkeley Citizen
Copyright 1995
All Labor Donated
Also view: Berkeley Public Works: Moving into the 21st Century (Video) |