The management of solid waste is a Bay Area-wide problem and a particularly im- portant one for Berkeley. The City Council showed its con- cern by appointing a Solid Waste Management Commission which has spearheaded a comprehensive program to reduce solid waste at its source and to dispose and reclaim municipal solid waste. Specifics of the major efforts are outlined below:
Development of a Resource Recovery and Transfer Facility
Municipal waste has been deposited on the Berkeley waterfront for over 50 years. The pre- sent landfill area will be completed within the next four years and will be made into a park. Even with effective programs for recycling and reduction of solid waste at its source, it will be necessary to transport some solid waste from Berkeley to a landfill site which probably will be located in the Livermore area. The City has purchased property at Second and Gilman for a resource recovery and transfer facility. A preliminary design for this transfer station is being developed. Recommendations, as well as an environmental impact report will be prepared for the City Council in early 1978.
Compost Program
The City of Berkeley operates an innovative recycling program at the landfill at the North end of the Marina. Tree trimmings and plant debris generated by the City's Recreation and Parks Department or delivered by the public are ground into a mulch, stockpiled and mixed over several months to produce a soil amend- ment.
During the decompostion period, the compost is watered with recycled water. The State has provided a $30,000 tub grinder for the program and the City purchased a $20,000 loader and provides personnel to operate the facility. The facility is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. seven days a week. The public is charged a 500 fee to dump vegetation, and the finished compost is then available either for City park use or for sale at $15.00 per yard or 750 per cubic foot.
Container Re-Use Ordinance
ln September of 1976, a container re-use ordinance was passed by the City Council. This ordinance was intended to discourage the use of throw-away bottles and containers and re- quired that deposits be provided by retailers on soft drink and malt beverages. The City was restrained through legal action f rom im- plementing the ordinance, and a legal deci- sion will be completed before the end ol 1977. As part of this program, the Council approved an appropriation of up to $25,000 as a subsidy to pick up beverage containers returned to re- tailers. Up to $20,000 for a public education program was also authorized by the Council in 1976.
The federal government has given final ap- proval for construction plans for the North Waterfront Park Dike lmprovement Project. This project is f unded under the federal local Public Works Act Program which was devel- oped by the Carter administration to promote economic growth and to support projects in areas of high unemployment. Berkeley qualified for its share of this money because of its high unemployment rate.
The repair of the north and west dikes of the Berkeley landfill will help prevent erosion and will seal the dikes against polluted water seeping into the Bay. This is also the first step towards transforming the landfill site into the proposed North Waterfront Park.
The City was awarded $794,000 for this project, and federal rules require that con- struction start within 90 days of approval of plans in order for new jobs to be created as soon as possible. The federal Public Works Act has also provided $1,261,000 for the South Berkeley Senior Center and $1,403,000 for the North Berkeley Senior Center. ln compliance with the federal timetable and to bring needed new services to the citizens of Berkeley, work will begin on these projects by early December.
Source: City of Berkeley Annual Report 1977 |