Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory New Sampling Taskforce
Where does LBNL get all the money it spends on its phony Task Force and other public relations scams?
A City of Berkeley supported scientific evaluation of the Lawrence Berkeley Lab’s environmental management concluded… “that overall the data on the past 20 years of tritium dumping and storage is so shoddy that we will never be certain whether huge amounts of unaccounted tritium inventory got dumped along with the declared releases and who may have been exposed. LBNL, desperate for any silver lining in this damning document, holds up their irresponsible and inadequate monitoring practices as evidence that there are no records of anyone receiving a dose of this penetrating radioactive carcinogen which is also linked to infertility and other genetic defects”
And now LBNL , through their own Sampling Task Force, says that we can trust them to test their facility (which has been virtually shut down for almost four years). The only purpose of this farce is to get the Tritium Facility off the Superfund-eligible list and return to business as usual. The locale around the Tritium site was nominated for Superfund status when random sampling showed the area to be highly contaminated".-Mark McDonald
AGAIN: Where does LBNL get all the money it spends on its phony Task Force and other public relations scams?
Community Press conference was held in the parking lot of First Congregational church in Berkeley. Community Speakers included: John Selawsky, Dale Nesbitt, Joan Levinson, L A Wood, Kriss Worthington, Barbara Georg , Gene Bernardi, Elliot Cohen, host Mark McDonald and with Berkeley’s own Funky Nixons.
Produced by Berkeley Citizen
Copyright 2001
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