Buses In Berkeley?


Buses in Berkeley?
L A Wood, East Bay Express, June 7, 1996

Jennifer Kahn's story "Berkeley's Electric Buses May Be Going Nowhere" (Cityside, May 31), steers clear of the most important issue facing the pilot program's future. Her story short-circuits when it fai1s to explain why electric buses continue to remain empty in Berkeley. Perhaps I can offer your readers some insight into this issue.

electric bus at BaRT stationTwo years ago, the Berkeley Electric Shuttle Transit (BEST) began operations in West Berkeley, targeting employees of local businesses. Amazingly, the city of Berkeley, one of West Berkeley' largest emp1oyers, never thought to include its own 300 employees working at the Corporation Yard and at the Second Street Transfer Station.

Last year. I requested a city evaluation of the possibility of linking these two public works facilities to the electric bus route and BART. The city of Berkeley stated that it wouldn't be feasible for these city employees to participate, whether commuting or at work. The city, like many other businesses, has simply refused to get on board. It's not hard to see why BEST ridership remains low.

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