Code Pink Berkeley
Marine Corps Recruiting Demonstration 2007

Code Pink Berkeley and Marine Corps Recruiting Demonstration 2008

Video and Photographs: Berkeley Citizen
ALSO VIEW: Marine Corps Recruiting Protest Berkeley 2008

Berkeley Actions

Berkeley Codepink: Bring our troops home"Our goal is to have clear zoning regulations for military recruiting and to put citizen pressure to shut down on the existing recruiting station that is just blocks from Berkeley City College, UC Berkeley, and Berkeley High School." ~ Berkeley Community Peace Activists

CODEPINK Berkeley has launched an initiative campaign to limit military recruiting stations in Berkeley, California. This is the next step in the group's ongoing protest of a Marines Recruiting Station that opened in the heart of Berkeley in 2007. 

The Berkeley initiative is being put forward because of a concern for the vulnerability of youth, the well-documented serial lies that accompany recruiting tactics especially during these times when recruiters are struggling to make goals, and the immense power of the giant sales propaganda machine of the military.

The initiative was triggered by the unexpected appearance of a Marine Recruiting Station in Berkeley in 2007 – a phenomenon never expected nor experienced in this town that historically has always proudly embraced core values such as anti-war and pro-peace. The group has been holding a weekly, and most weeks daily, vigil outside the Marines Station, which includes life-affirming activities like a baby playgroup and mother's breastfeeding circle, yoga, singing, reading, and other activities. (Left photo: Speakers at the press conference that launched the initiative)


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