Degrees and certificates will1 be conferred upon more than 5,000 candidates at the eighty-fourth commencement ceremonies of the University of California in Berkeley this afternoon.
For the first time since prior to the outbreak of World War II, the exercises will be held in the stadium. Of the class, some 2,700 are June graduates, the remainder having completed their work for the academic honors in February. Some 2.250 of the graduates will be present for the ceremonies
The traditional academic procession will begin 2:30 p.m. led by Dr. Robert Gordon Sproul, president, and officers of the university, in academic caps and gowns and colorful hoods.
Among the 25,000 friends and relatives expected to attend the ceremony will be many wives and children of veterans of World War II, more than 1,000 of the veterans being scheduled to receive degrees. Today's commencement marks the close of the first full university year since the veterans Bill of Rights aided hundreds of thousands of war veterans to return from battlefields to the universities to complete their education.
Dr. Sproul will make the chief address of the day and will confer the degrees and certificates. Dr. Monroe F. Deutsch, provost and vice president, soon to retire, will give his traditional farewell to the graduates.