Berkeley Water INDEX


A chemical revolution of nearly 100 years duration continues to leave a toxic legacy for this and future generations in California. Over the last 25 years we have made strides in both environmental protection and in the long-awaited cleanup. The legislative process has emphasized the need to make polluters responsible for a complete and timely cleanup.

Now, a regulatory dismembering of this environmental protection in Washington D.C. is being felt all over the country. Over a year ago, the State of California began discussions directed at limiting the cleanup of contaminated sites, focusing primarily on the Leaking Underground Storage Tank program (LUST). The state is considering a proposed regulatory shift that calls for the creation of zones of pollution called "Containment Zones." A Containment Zone, in simple terms, is a designated area where lower groundwater standards will be allowed because of high levels of pollution.

Some proponents of this policy shift have contended that these proposed changes are a response to a poorly constructed program that has been plagued by over-enforcement. The claim is that the responsible parties (RPs) have become a scapegoat to the program based on bad science, the LUST just a scam, and that active remediation of contaminants is no longer necessary. <Read More>
California's Choice: Containment Zones or Clean Water?
L A Wood, California Environmental Law Reporter, April 1996
On Berkeley Soil on Berkeley Soil Council Brownfield, Containment Presentation strawberrk canyon watershed
Toxic Site Cleanups Berkeley Berkeley City Council
Brownfields Policy Presentation
California's Choice:
Brownfields or Clean Water
Strawberry Creek
Berkley environmental clean up polcy discussion Chrome 6 contamination Toxic Emeryville Berkeley opts out of clean water
Berkeley City Council on
Environmental Clean Up 1996
Backslide on the Chrome-6 Harrison Skatepark Debacle Emeryville's NON-Cleanup
Berkeley Opts out
County's Clean Water Program
Bay Area Stream Setbacks and Buffers Portal to the Bay: Berkeley's Storm Drain System Urban Stream Corridor Protection and Restoration Jim Labbe Ecology of Strawberry Caynon
Presentation: Kenneth Schwarz, Ph.D. Berkeley's Storm Drain System Jim Labbe, Audubon Society of Portland Ecology of Strawberry Canyon
Courtaulds and the West Berkeley Brownfields Codornices Creek & UC Berkeley Albany Housing    
West Berkeley Brownfields Waterways and Restoration Institute    
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